The Salt Lake City Comic Con certainly proved people love their Superheroes.
It has been called “nerdy”, but call it what you may, everyone relates to heroes. I didn’t see anyone dressed up like a salesman, nor did I hear of Willy Loman, from Arthur Miller’s timeless novel, Death of a Salesman, appearing at the event. I guess the world has yet to recognize the Superhero in today’s salespeople. My first Superhero was Superman. He captured my imagination and became my reality as a small child. Imagine, being able to fly, by simply draping a bath towel or bed sheet around my neck! I was proud to stand for “Truth, Justice and the American way”. It was a child’s dream to be “faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound”. Comic books present a world of imagination that has captured us all.
I’ve often wondered what degree of triumph salespeople might enjoy if they could only imagine their success. If they could look beyond their current reality and imagine how great they truly might become. There is a Superhero inside all of us. You might not be able to leap tall buildings with a single bound, but you can definitely achieve more than you ever thought possible. Think beyond yourself and “let the Force be with you”. You must be able to believe in yourself and the power within.
I’m currently working with five salespeople who achieved their “best month ever” this past month. Their performance was far beyond anything they had previously achieved. It wasn’t the market, low pricing or promotions that allowed these salespeople to realize such exceptional results. It was the result of believing in self, while discovering their superpowers. In one instance, one of these super salespeople applied a principle here-to-for neglected. In another case, the salesperson simply did those things less successful salespeople are not willing to do. Another salesperson let his happy, satisfied customers do the selling for him. When his prospect had concerns, this salesperson called a customer who had dealt with similar issues and asked him to talk to the prospect. Twenty minutes later, the agreement was signed. Happy, satisfied customers are about as powerful as a locomotive when closing a sale. He discovered happy customers are the best salespeople.
Another Superhero salesperson simply spent more time romancing his customers and discovered ways to help them. Solving problems is a Superhero strength that should be used more often. He used it and made a couple of sales faster than a speeding bullet. One super salesperson, having discovered his unique superpowers, called on a giant prospect without intimidation and landed a million dollar sale. No sales opportunity is too formidable for the Man of Steel, disguised as a mild mannered salesperson. There is a Superhero in all of us, with super powers and strength beyond our imagination. Focus beyond what you have always done and rise to the challenges facing the Superhero sleeping inside of you.
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